new old me rings mail notes book design host

1:05 AM - Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003

Am I officially one of the "cool kids" since I am at JournalCon? If so, bring on the coolness. A fascinating array of people here. I have met many of the Austin journalers since my sister lives here and already knows them. Also met cruel-irony!! She is just as neat as her diary. Hope to be able to talk to her more over the weekend. Met many many others as well, but it is waaaaay past my bedtime and I won't begin to try to recall names.

I will also need to write about the readings tonight. All entries were about sex in one way or another. I need to ruminate a bit more over that before commenting.

Workshops tomorrow and I am soooo looking forward to that. Looks like some excellent topics and the chance to meet some more journalers.

So--goodnight from JournalCon in Austin, Texas! Wish you were here!

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JournalCon 2003
