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Life is Like Beef Stew
11:14 PM - Monday, Oct. 27, 2003

I am very thankful that so far poolagirl is safe from the raging fires in California. I just cannot fathom the horror facing people living out there, watching their homes burn, or their friends' homes burn. Losing all possession and even beloved animals. People who are normal, law-abiding citizens with normal lives, in lovely homes--suddenly homeless. It's just awful. I hope the fires all end soon.

And now, on to my life. My life is exactly like the beef stew I cooked for dinner tonight. Usually I make this recipe in the crock pot. Easy, no problems. Tonight, I had extra time so I decided to make it the old fashioned way, on top of the stove. I spent a LOT of time browning the meat, chopping the onions, peeling and dicing carrots and potatoes. Checking periodically to be sure all is well. Don't want anyone, er uh, I mean anything to be ignored. Then for 10 blankety blank minutes I turn my back and the entire thing burns up. TEN MINUTES. Parts were still edible, but picked up as a whole spoonful of the soupy part and the veggies and the meat, it was burned and awful. A total waste. All because of one careless moment. Did I mean to burn the stew? No. Did I put in a lot of time trying to make it just right? Yes. So why am I feeling so crappy and misunderstood over one burned meal? Because I am normally really a good person. . .I mean cook. I pay attention. I do all the things I am supposed to do. One careless move and it is all in ruins.

I'll never think about beef stew the same way again.

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JournalCon 2003
