new old me rings mail notes book design host

7:48 AM - Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003

SHREEEEEEEEEIIIIIK!! There is a RAT in the pool!!! AAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! ick ick ick ick Just as the hub was leaving for work, I saw something floating in the middle of the pool. I went out to take a closer look and saw it was A RAT!!!!!!! It is a cotton rat which is not much bigger than a mouse. BUT IT IS STILL A RAT. Well, hell, I'd be upset even if it was a mouse. I ran 3 miles in 3 seconds flat to catch hub on his way to work. Amazing how fast I can move if vermin is involved. (Kidding, he was barely out of the garage.) He bravely came to my rescue, willing to grab the net and fish the thing out--while dressed in his suit for work and for a funeral today too. (I'm getting sidetracked.) As he put the net into the water, the #%&* thing started swimming!! IT IS STILL ALIVE!! ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh The hub was still going to fish it out but I said no. I could just see that horrible creature flying up the pole and eating the hub's face. aaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeee So we decided to let it just stay in the water until it drowns. It WILL drown, won't it? It can't swim all day, can it? I am so totally creeped out. I am going to be creeped out all day.

Now I just have to figure a way to get from my study and the computer back to the kitchen by walking only on tabletops and chairs. I do not plan to set foot on the ground until that thing is dead and gone. Yes, I know it is outside. I don't care. Vermin involved? I'm staying on higher ground.

UPDATE--After writing this entry I went to once again gaze upon the wildlife enjoying the pool. And I found out that there IS something worse than seeing a rat swimming in your pool. And that is NOT seeing a rat in your pool after you already saw him the first time! Where is he???? I have no clue. I am a woman on the edge. I do believe I will just spend my day swinging from the chandelier.

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JournalCon 2003
