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John Mayer in Concert!
4:19 PM - Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003

For a while there, I decided I was just too old to do this kind of stuff anymore. And that was certainly a depressing thought. I am speaking of the John Mayer/Counting Crows concert we as a family attended last night.

I bought the tickets weeks ago and have been soooo excited for the day to arrive. The concert was at an outdoor theater--half is covered with assigned seats, half is open seating on the lawn. The concert began at 7 with a warm up group. (I thought they were very good but never could figure out the group name.) We were dripping wet from the sun shining in on us in our assigned seats. By 8pm, though, the sun had set behind the wall surrounding the venue and it was comfortable. Well, as comfortable as you can be seated outdoors in July in Dallas.

Why did I feel old? Three sorority babes sat in front of us. I am not putting down sorority babes. I am simply using them as a stereotype to conjure a picture in your mind. Deeply tanned, tiny tiny bodies covered somewhat in tiny tiny miniskirts and halter tops. Hair streaked to perfection, perfect makeup, masacara Alice Cooper would envy. Got the picture? They were somewhat interesting to watch pre-concert. Apparently "Heather", the one on the left, called someone and somehow it led to tears and drama and trauma. I do not miss the days of determining who is the biggest drama queen of the day.

All was well until Counting Crows took the stage. The triplets went crazy. Standing, screaming, dancing (a little scarey in those itty bitty skirts), singing. Which can be fun when it is real. This came across more as a big performance designed to draw the attention of any and all who gaze upon them with lust and envy. As they were directly in front of us, we had no choice but to watch them. People behind us were screaming for them to sit down (they were the only ones standing) but to no avail. In fact, I could tell from their conversation that they were determined they were NOT sitting down ever. Being the old fogey mother that I am, I was not happy with the floor show being performed directly in front of my boys. Yes, I know my sons know LOTS more than I want to believe they know, but let me hold on to my fantasies a bit longer. . .

I was so tense and taking on all this angst that my sons weren't having a good time (they were fine, I was just determined to worry about the hussies in front of us!) that I was having a miserable time. Ativan (tranquilizer) to the rescue. I am never without that precious bottle of gold. I seldom take them, but there are times like last night that I realize I am missing out on the fun because of my own goofiness.

On top of the happy cloud I surfaced on, the triplets left during the intermission and did not return! But the funny part? When John Mayer came out the entire crowd jumped to their feet (including ME!!) and we stood and danced the entire concert. He put on a great show-- a very personable, cute kid. And so amazingly talented. My budding guitar star, son#2, was glued to his every move. When the guitar solos came about, he had the binoculars, memorizing every move. It was an excellent performance and we had a great time as a family. Both boys were so sweet, thanking us over and over for taking them. It takes so little to melt my heart.

At one point during the intermission, I told my hub I felt "so ALONE". I do believe I was the only one in that mass gathering of people who did not have a cell phone out, calling someone, somewhere. It was really pretty funny to see groups of kids out together at the show--all using their cell phones to call someone ELSE.

Meant to mention Counting Crows was very good too--what we could see of them! haha

Many thanks for the birthday wishes--party crashers and all! This has been a good one. Our final party is dinner at some friends' tonight. I am determined to make this a spectacular year.

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JournalCon 2003
