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Songs, Sitcoms, Senility
5:50 AM - Tuesday, May. 27, 2003

"Quarter to three. . .

No one in the place, except you and me. . ."

Ok, it's about a quarter to six, but I do that. . . come up with songs to match what is going on. Does anyone else have this strange habit? I used to be really, really good at it. You could give me a word or a topic and I could almost always come up with a song to fit. It was great fun when the boys were small. I'm sure I contributed greatly to their love of music by singing bizarre songs nonstop. I probably also contributed to their future need of therapy, but we'll save that for another entry.

My favorite (and I admit, I am sooo corny. . corny! "I'm as corny as Kansas in August" See? There's a song! From South Pacific, I think.)Anyway, my favorite was the night we were in Atlanta on vacation. We stayed at a cool bed and breakfast. Late one night, we made a quick run to the store. On the way back to the car, as a fine mist fell upon us, I sang (you can see what's coming, can't you?) "A rainy night in Georgia. . .just a rainy night in Georgia. . .I feel like it's raining all over the world". Yep, sang at the top of my lungs. I'm sure the natives thought I was a lunatic.

I always have a song running through my mind. Some seem strange, out of nowhere. Why do I find myself humming "I Just Want To Be Your Everything"--that old Andy Gibb song? Hmmmm. Maybe I could start a new form of therapy here. Have the songs in your head analyzed here!!

So that's my early morning mumblings. I just have not been able to sleep all night (don't you hate the nights when you work in your sleep?) so I gave up about 4:30 this morning and decided to get up. That is definitely NOT me. I am a night owl. I much prefer to stay up late. I think I'm like a little kid who is afraid she'll miss something if she goes to sleep. Ok, I'm off on another thought here--but do you remember the show Family Ties when the little girl just knew she was missing out when she went to bed and everyone else stayed up? So one night she came down and there were the parents and older siblings having a huge party--playing Barbies, and dress up, and all the things little girls love. I don't remember if that was a dream sequence or not. . but it was funny! Ohmigosh. I just realized I probably also can come up with some old sitcom plot for every possible topic. Oh, now that is scarey. I'm turning into my father!! That's it. I'm going to have to take a TV hiatus. Thank goodness it is time for summer reruns and I won't miss anything.

"Good day, Sunshine!"

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JournalCon 2003
