new old me rings mail notes book design host

Kids and Priorities
12:48 PM - Monday, May. 26, 2003

First off, everyone send your sympathy and "bless your heart"s to Is anything more miserable than being the sick Mom?

I have only a moment to write. Son#2 has band practice today at 1 and he will be down here any minute saying LET'S GOOOOOO. Yep, here he comes now. Earlier today I told him he needed to handle a few chores before going to practice. He reminded me he had practice at one. I reminded him there would be no practice at one unless the chores were done. He said OK, just wanted to be sure you know I have practice at one. A friend of the family called and I was telling him the whole story. He said "Well, I guess everyone has their priorities straight!" I'm thinking that doesn't translate well into print, but it was an excellent response and I plan to use it on my kids in the future!!

The hub is on his way home with my computer! Fixed! Celebrate! I have missed being in my space with my computer. Yes, I am addicted.

Must run. The son, future Jimi Hendrix, awaits.

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JournalCon 2003
