new old me rings mail notes book design host

8:36 PM - Wednesday, May. 07, 2003

I chauffered my parents around the hospital today for my dad's recheck appts. He got an excellent report which is so amazing, considering 3 months ago my mother and I were sure he would never live without extra care again. (Long story short--the discs in his next suddenly buckled, disintegrated, whatever and he was nearly paralyzed, in horrible pain. . .it was awful for all of us. The neurosurgeon is a GOD I tell you and surgery was a success. My dad is pain free and almost back to walking without a cane for support. His spinal cord/ discs have healed beautifully. It is a miracle to watch and one for which we are feeling so blessed.)

Ok, back to the hospital setting. Kept seeing all these darling young pregnant girls/women. They are all so beautiful! Pregnant women really do glow. And I am just so jealous. I can't say I was a great pregnant woman. I felt like if I was going to be miserable, I was taking everyone else down with me. But I loved being pregnant, the raging hormones, the attention, the baby moving inside. . .and a baby! How I love babies. I (probably stupidly) always think I would take another baby on in a minute. Thus far God has not seen the need to make that a reality in my life. Yes, He is wise. I am one of those women in the joke--Why shouldn't older women have babies? They put the baby down and can't remember where they left it. haha rim shot And I am most certainly NOT ready to be a grandmother, thank you. Teen pregnancy is not a good idea in anyone's book. I just love babies, though. The sounds they make--the slurps, wheezes, gurgles, coos, hiccups. The fresh breath that comes from them. So sweet. I never minded when my boys were sick as babies because all we could do was sit and rock all day. That sweet time when they are cuddly and love you, the mommy, so MUCH.

My youngest son, now 13, was something else as a toddler/preschooler. He would cry and cry and cry whenever I left him with a babysitter or left him at the preschool mom's day out. This went on until kindergarten!! A year or so ago that topic came up and he remembered throwing all those fits. I asked why did he do that. He said "I just loved you so much I didn't want you to go." How precious is that? You just can't replace that. Of course, now, at 13, he is quite content to pretend I don't exist much of the time (except when he needs money, wants a ride, etc.) So the sweet baby memories suffice.

I wouldn't trade a minute of their growing up years. Probably truly wouldn't go back to the baby years. But seeing these beautiful pregnant women does bring on waves of nostalgia for fleeting, precious days.

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JournalCon 2003
