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Missing my sister
10:56 PM - Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003

My sister and her hub just left. Sadly, they were in town for the funeral of a friend. It was very sad and very hard on them. But we still had fun being together. They came in about 2 in the morning this morning and left tonight about 9:30 or so to drive home (about 4 hours). I love being with my sister. When she is around I feel inspired to do things. I feel more creative. Definitely happier. She and her hubby moved away about 4 years ago. Before that, she and I had lived only blocks apart for 15 years or so. She is my best buddy. Someone who likes the same weird things I like (feng shui, aromatherapy, crystals, painting, writing). It's hard to find friends for some of those activities. A sister fills up every one. When she is here, I am really content. Amazing after 4 years I still miss her so. Yes, I've adjusted and made new friends (we also moved to a new town 4 years ago, only not as far away as she did). I do have an active social life. I just wish she still lived here. I need the kind of friend that I can just drop in and ask for a Diet Coke when I'm tired from a long day. Or a glass of wine when I'm fed up. Someone to shop for fabric even when you don't need any and shouldn't be looking or buying. . .Yep, I miss my sis.

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JournalCon 2003
