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Issue of the Day: Pets
10:25 PM - Monday, Mar. 31, 2003

I think I have made my sister mad at me. But it needed to be said. She and I have always promised each other to tell if we were getting too fat, or wearing weird clothes, or had a horrible hairstyle, or had drawn lipstick outside the lines of our real lips. And if you can't count on your sister for honesty, who can you count on?

Currently, sis and her hub have 2 grown cats and 6 kittens. Now, sadly, a good friend of theirs has died. They are considering taking in his two cats. I wrote and told her she is turning into the crazy cat lady of the neighborhood and it has to stop. If she doesn't watch it, she'll have frizzy hair and a moustache and a wart on her chin and she'll wear mumus all the time, walking around muttering to herself. Her house will smell vile and the furniture will be in tatters from all the clawing. Cats will make themselves at home on her kitchen cabinet, sticking their noses into whatever dish she is cooking. ugh ugh ugh.

I grant you, I am a dog person, not a cat person. But I do like their original cat. He is a neat cat. I just don't like MULTIPLES of cats.

She hasn't responded to my last email. I may have pulled a big no-no. But it needed to be said. . .didn't it? Actually, she is probably just very busy and hasn't had time to email and I in my constant paranoid state have escalated this into us not speaking for the rest of our lives. breathe, breathe

That's my issue of the day. Well, that and my dog absolutely REEKS. Talk about vile. UGH I had to put all kinds of things in the floor by the couch so he couldn't sit in his usual place at my feet. There was no way to escape that smell--whatever it is. He is being groomed in the morning--hallelujah. He'll be back at my feet tomorrow night.

Ta-Ra. They say that on lots of those British shows and goodness knows I would love to be British. . .and still be Texan. Is that possible? I shall address that issue another day.

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JournalCon 2003
