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Missing Son. . .Not
7:43 AM - Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003

I must go ahead and write this all out now. . .servers are down on the diary website. . .cut and paste later (if I remember) (All written Wed PM)

I am such a dweeb of a mom. I came home from work about 4. Housekeeper still here. House quiet. A bit later Son#1 arrived and we talked a bit. Still no Son#2. But he could be running track or band sectionals or something. .. . no worries yet. Then it got later and later. About 6 pm I was really starting to worry. Part of me was already planning how severe his punishment was going to be�part of me was just worrying about where he could possibly be! I had horrible thoughts�abduction, heart attack while jogging with no ID on him. . . my imagination does tend to take off sometimes. #1 goes with me and we drive around looking for #2. No sign of him. I decide I�ll go home and start calling some of his friends. My cell rings. . .it is #2. Where ARE you? I ask. At home. Where have you BEEN!! ? In his room doing homework. The entire time I was worrying about him, he was quietly upstairs in his room doing his homework. I had already started getting a little teary on the way home. . .by the time I got home, I was a full blown sobbing mess. #2 looked bewildered and apologized, but he really didn�t have anything to apologize for! I just didn�t know he was home! I went to my room and had a very nice long cry.

Later tonight it got to be pretty funny. #2 was saying �Here I am, a good boy, at home in my own room studying and doing homework. But my parents who don�t think I�m such a good boy are searching the town for where I am hanging out!!� He had a point. It was good to laugh about it.

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JournalCon 2003
