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Tot Ziens!
5:43 PM - Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003

Probably the last entry before we head off to Holland tomorrow. With the increased meds from the doctor (I admit it, I will happily take a pill for anything) and my monthly week from hell over, I am feeling rather calm. Now that's a nice change. Unfortunately, I am probably a bit too calm. . .I still have dozens of tasks that must be accomplished before we can leave town tomorrow--errands, laundry, drat! just remembered I didn't pick up the cleaning!! Now SEE! I NEED A WIFE!! I very carefully made lists of all that needed to be done. . . I just need someone else to do it. In my current state of la la land, I figure it will all get done and what doesn't get done probably didn't need to get done anyway. la la la I really am feeling a bit too mellow. AND I haven't had any wine either! This might not be such a bad state after all.

Well, tot ziens, as they say in Dutch. (I think that means see you later. . .if not and I have offended some lovely Dutchman out there, I do apologize) Reminds me of my sister--the only phrases she had learned in Dutch from my husband's cousin were "take off your clothes", "attack" and "I love you". How's that for choices? My brother in law and 3 friends came to visit one summer. They were all young men--about 19 yrs old. My sister kept screeching at them "Ik hou van jou" meaning I love you--she thought she was saying How are you? She couldn't understand the dazed and confused looks on their faces as she proudly proclaimed her love for them!

I have lots of silly stories like that after living with the crazy Dutch for the past 20+ years. They are an amazing people. I am soooo looking forward to our visit with everyone. . .it's just the flying over and back that I am not looking forward to. Now in addition to war and terrorism, we have airline bankruptcies to contend with! aaaarrrrgghhh Ah well, it will all be fine. . la la la

Tot ziens!

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JournalCon 2003
