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What a Day
11:02 PM - Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2003

Seems like it was a long, crazy day, but looking back, it really was the afternoon on that was out of kilter. (kilter? Where does she come up with these words?)

I spent the day doing mundane chores around the house. I also decorated for fall/Thanksgiving. I never did get around to doing anything for Halloween, but now the house looks a bit more festive. Amazing what a few fake autumn leaves and a couple of gourds will do to dress up the place. I also laid out many of the placemats the boys made for Thanksgiving while they were in preschool. Awwwww.

Most of the day was spent in my favorite way--in pajamas. I get more done when I don't have to stop, shower, get dressed, etc. I just get up and keep moving. Today there were definitely angels tapping on my shoulder. About 2 o'clock, I decided to shower and get dressed. Even did the hair and make-up bit. This is an unusual step when I don't have anyplace I have to be. Why bother when it's just me here anyway? But, as I said, angels were at this point not just tapping, but sending Morse Code. As I merrily went about my chores, the doorbell rang around 3:45. Why, who could that be? "Why, hello Ron! What's up with you??" (Ron and wife Polly are band presidents.) He smiled and said "We are here to pick you up!"


I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to be at their house at 3:30 to carpool to a hotel to check out the ballroom, etc for an upcoming band banquet. COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN. So much forgotten that even when I saw him, I had no idea why he was at my house.

Thank the Good Lord I was at least made up with hair done. If I had not had that much done, I honestly could not have gone. In fact, I probably would not have even answered the door and wondered later why Ron dropped by. I flew to my bedroom and threw on clothes, grabbed my purse and hit the door. (This is when son#2 chose to call to ask if he can go to Starbucks with a friend. No, I say," and besides! You are supposed to be on the school bus home! "Sorry, Mom, I don't have my bus pass." This is when I really had a strong urge to pinch this little guy's head off--right over the phone line. I told him he better find a ride home RIGHT NOW as I was headed out the door and had no time for his nonsense. I do know he made it home. Good mother that I am, I never did think to ask who brought him home.)

I was embarrassed enough that I forgot and had to face the presidents and the hospitality chairman. Then I discovered The Almighty Great Band Director was along too! Oh, the horror.

All ended well, although it may be a while before I live this down.

At the board mtg tonight, we were given some news about the dad I mentioned a while back. He is in the Nat'l Guard and has been sent to Iraq for 18 months. Three sons at home--2 in high school and 1 in elementary. Son#2 and one of the sons have been friends a while. The news is that he is safely (is that an oxymoron?) in Iraq. The bad news is that his tent caught on fire and destroyed everything he had taken over with him. It just hurt so much to hear that. So we are working to send care packages to replace what he has lost, as well as keep him supplied in the future. This man's Bible was the only thing that did not burn up, although it was singed a bit. That is a blessing in itself in that you cannot mail Bibles over there.

On an even sadder note, a friend of ours passed away this morning. Mike was a good guy, one of those "crazy New Yorkers" down here in Texas. He and I worked together oh so many moons ago. Just recently, during a routine exam, they discovered cancer in his lungs. And then in his hip. And then in his brain. He got worse, then much better, then suddenly he is gone. It's just so sad. People my age are not supposed to die. He has a precious wife. They were the kind of couple that was practically joined at the hip. They were so much fun together and shared so much joy in life. She has already planned a party for after the funeral to celebrate his life. And that is exactly as he would have wanted it.

And I could write more in "the rest of the story" behind the locked entry portal, but I can't today. Let's just say I am so weary, so very weary.

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JournalCon 2003
