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NIght Out
11:11 PM - Wednesday, Jul. 09, 2003

It's late, I've had several glasses of wine, I should not be writing. But I will.

Home from a night out with my "neighbor ladies". We go out at least once a month to celebrate someone's birthday. It is always a fun group. We range from a newlywed to moms of babies to me with teens to a 75 year old great grandmother. We have a great time. I am VERY fortunate to have moved into a neighborhood full of sweet people.

Another day of driving boys here and there. Attended a meeting regarding the church camp son#2 is going to next week. Forms, details, etc. I think it is so great that he loves to go to camp and has so much fun. I always HATED going to camp. Not that I went. I think I went once. But I hated it! Son#1 seems to follow more in my footsteps and is not going to the camp this year. Of course, my mom worries kick in, worrying about safety, the long bus ride, etc. All I can do is pray and put it in God's hands. And it will all be fine. But I'm still allowed to be a silly mommy who loves her son and misses him and worries about him, right?

My cousin's hub and two sons took off for a 3 week stay in Europe. She wrote today that she had already tackled one son's room and cleaned it out--tomorrow the other son's room comes under attack. Wow. What I would give for energy and drive like that. I meet deadlines. I get things done that must be done. On the surface I seem to be quite capable. Oh, if they only knew. I really want to do more. I think.

I am nodding off onto the keyboard and rather than leaving a lot of gibberish here, I'll quit.

Night, now.

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JournalCon 2003
