new old me rings mail notes book design host

9:51 PM - Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003

sunnflower made a comment about my dad being upbeat and not grouchy. So true!! And I should focus so much more on the really positive things going on in my life. My dad is a great man. He is always the optimist, always there to lend a hand (at least he used to before the aging process caught up a bit), there to offer a shoulder to cry on. I know I have inherited my optimism from him. Yes, I am an optimist. I truly always believe things will work out for the best. And so far, things always have worked out! My dad is a sweetheart and loves his family. He worked hard for many years to support his family. He put two daughters through college. He paid for two weddings. He has been at death's door more times than I can count--and he always bounces back better than before. He is a very honorable man. He is a good man. . .but boy can he talk!! haha My mom is a terrific lady. She is funny and fun to be with. We have become much better friends through the years. We certainly had our ups and downs--especially through my teen years. Mercy. How we both survived is a miracle. Just imagine a peri-menopausal hormonal mother with a teenage daughter with her hormones in overdrive. Like I said--a miracle we survived. My parents are the best grandparents. They totally adore my two sons--and my sons are really close to them too. I learned different things from my grandparents and have many memories of them. But none of the memories are of my grandparents wanting to be around me, with me, play with me, talk to me, etc. It was a different time, a different generation when children were supposed to be seen and not heard. I'm glad my boys have those close ties with their grandparents. I am so impressed with myself for actually including a highlighted entry on the first line. First attempt at it, and it works!! What a woman. (It takes so little to make me happy! ) One last note--a big ole shout out to Kramer-- -- Kramer writes horoscopes that are entertaining, intriguing, interesting and often dead on target. He has the freebie horoscopes, but the subscription ones get you up to date faster. Check him out.

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JournalCon 2003
