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Random Nonsense
3:47 PM - Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

Random musings today. . . wish I could remember everything I think about all day because I am sure I occasionally have some pretty deep thoughts.

Example: When I tell my husband I will take care of something so he can rest, I really mean it. When he says the same to me, I immediately feel guilty and feel like I'm slacking and he is just being nice.

I am madly in love/lust with Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen--the long haired hunk of an interior designer on Changing Rooms. I think he is such a hottie!! I kept wondering if he is gay or straight. His website shows his wife and 2 daughters, so I guess not--at least as his public image! Shame on me. Anyway--whatever his pref, I still have a huge crush on him. Wouldn't he love hearing about some middle aged woman in Texas lusting after him? Bet not.

I saw a cartoon or joke somewhere--or heard it--that said "I would do absolutely anything to be thin and gorgeous and healthy--except diet or exercise, that is." That is soooo me. We walked nonstop in Europe. Have I gotten off my keister to do one thing since we have returned home? Nope. Any wonder I HAVE a keister? Is that really a word? Is that the spelling if that really is a word?

Enough randomness. Is that a word? Honestly, I am not drugged or drunk. Just being weird.

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JournalCon 2003
