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Sunday Ramblin'
6:23 p.m. - 2003-03-09

Sunday. Love Sunday. Should have gone to church, but today I didn't. Actually, I don't know if I could have gone. I was sleeping like I had been drugged. I kept swimming up into consciousness, then diving back down into my coma. Once again, fascinating dreams that I really meant to get up and write down immediately. That didn't happen.

In analyzing my dreams, they seem to have a similar thread running through them. I am working or looking for a job. We are moving into a smaller place. Big adjustments. . .I think this must all be related to anxiety about the world situation and the economy. The hub has always been amazing in meeting our financial needs (we have our own business, and he is the only salesman, so it's not like a check comes in whether he works or not). But still, the economy is just awful. worry worry whine whine

How does one decide whether or not to join a diary ring? So many fascinating ones out there. I am considering the one for Nederlanders--since my husband is a Dutchman transplated here years ago. He is now a citizen of US, but all family is still there. Anyway--writer rings, mom rings, wife rings, artist rings, on and on. Neat ones out there--and some very bizarre scarey ones that I don't even dare click on based on the title! I'm such a wimp.

As the hub said, there always seems to be one crazy cat lady relative in a family. In our case, that prize goes to my sister and her hubby. They have two dogs and two cats. . .and one cat just had 6 kittens. It would not surprise us if they decided to keep all 6!! A while back their #1 cat disappeared for a few days and they were totally distraught. I did feel quite bad for them. . .until he said "It would be the same if one of your children vanished" I thought NO, I don't think so. . . a bit different. As they have no children but their cats, perhaps they feel that strongly.

FINALLY got the Norah Jones CD. Love that breathy smoky voice.

Tomorrow is Monday. I tend to be one of the few that loves Mondays. Probably mostly because it is my "day off". Working with the hub the other 4 days of the week. I say "working". I show up when I am good and ready and leave as soon as possible. I am not a good supportive employee. But there is a lot of resentment there. I'll go into that some day. Back to Mondays--they are MINE. Ok, I do have to do all the family type errands and grocery shopping and all. But it is still MY DAY.

Hungry family is pounding on the door, begging to be fed. Oh, not really. They all tend to just go on to the kitchen and find something to eat til I get around to cooking. The problem is, when I wait too long, they are not hungry anymore for what I've cooked! Ah, it's a balancing act on a high wire I do every day. What a woman.

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JournalCon 2003
