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Pants and Pick-Ups
10:41 PM - Saturday, Nov. 08, 2003

I just don't think my body is made to wear clothes. Wait, I don't mean that exactly the way it sounds. Actually, I'm sure those who know me thank the stars above that clothes were invented, and thus cover my bod. But clothes just fit me weird. I noticed it today particularly.

I just got a new pair of stretchy jeans. Very cool. They call 'em "boot cut" in the catalog. I call 'em "bell bottoms" but then, I am old and remember the last time that was the style.

I always order petite length pants so I don't have to cut two or three feet off the length. Does anybody REALLY have legs as long as most pants?? It's always good for a laugh. I hold up a pair of 'normal' pants at my waist. Then we see how far the pants extend past my feet and down the aisle, out the door.

Back to the pants. While preening in the mirror, I notice I've kinda got that highwater thing going on. Knowing I have not had a miraculous growth spurt, I'm trying to figure out what the problem is. Then I remember! The details in the catalogue said the pants have a "lowered waistline" or something like that. That explains a number of things. One, it explain the highwater look as I have the pants pulled up as far as I can pull 'em. Second, it explains the wedgie. And third, it explains why my waist seemed inches smaller than I had remembered. The waist of those pants gapped out to HERE. So, bummer, the waist has to sit 'lower'. So I sit 'em 'lower'. I am happenin'. I am now. I am so IN. Low riding pants. Lookin' gooood, Momma. Until I move. It is suddenly quite apparent that I do not have the body of an 18 yr old co-ed who takes step aerobics classes 3 times a week and spin classes to cool off after that. Nope, not the body I see in the mirror. Not the body I'm feeling spill over the top of these jeans. Just sad, really. I really would like a word with whomever it was that thought low rider pants on a woman who has given birth TWICE would look good. I have no stomach muscles. The only definition I have for ABS has something to do with my car and braking. This is just not right, people.

Fortunately, I am the queen of tunic tops. Not that they were meant to be tunic tops. I just buy regular size and they extend further on me than is obviously intended. So, no worries. No exposure to innocent bystanders.

Thanks for letting me get that off my um, chest.

Tomorrow is going to be a COOL DAY!! On Tues,Son#1 turns 16. I cannot believe I am the mother of a 16 year old. Anyway, tomorrow my parents and my sister and her hubby are coming for lunch to celebrate his birthday with him. And my amazing parents are giving him a car. I kid you not. Well, it's actually a pickup. It was my dad's pickup, but he bought an Explorer this week and is giving the pickup to Son#1. I am totally overwhelmed by the generosity of this present. I can hardly speak about it without getting totally choked up.

Growing up, we lived on a farm in the country. My dad had a full time job, and the farm was his hobby. He bought a house "in town" and had it moved out into the middle of a big never ending field. And that became home. We all pitched in to rewire the house, replumb the house, repaint the house, etc etc. My poor dad was blessed with two daughters. But he sure put us to work on that house! We learned a lot and looking back, it was a great experience. As my grandmother says "I wouldn't take nothing for it" (for the experience).

Basically, we had not much. We had plenty, but not extra. Mom made most of our clothes. We grew a lot of our own vegetables and beef (ok, we didn't "grow" the beef, but we won't go into that, ok?).

But guess what? By the time I was 16, I had a car because Daddy bought another car for Mom (he drove a company car) and kept the old one for me. WOW! Total excitement. And my sister got a car for her 16th birthday too. My dad kept us in cars through college and even past that. It was just something he could do for us. We learned a lot about car maintenance. We also learned that we were not allowed to drive anything but a FORD. The first car I bought myself was a Chevy Monte Carlo. Taking it out to get his blessing on it, I was a nervous wreck! But he said I made a good decision.

Anyway, it looks like my dad's generosity is extending to the next generation. I can hardly wait to see how my son reacts. He is going to flip. (Son#2 will be even more excited. He can't wait for big brother to get his license as he is sure that is also HIS ticket to freedom.) It is raining and cold right now and I'm afraid it may continue like this tomorrow. We had planned to put streamers and signs on the pickup, but that may not work in this weather. Whatever. I'm sure the decorating is more for US as he will only see the WHEELS.

Yes, tomorrow will be a fun day. Can't wait!

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JournalCon 2003
