new old me rings mail notes book design host

11:09 AM - Wednesday, Sept. 03, 2003

I just love the world of email. I am addicted to email. I'm one of "those" who checks email constantly. If I get email, I read it, reply. . . then check againt to see if more has come in. A sad solitary life I lead, clicking buttons to learn if there is life out there. . .

I know when I was a little girl I loved getting the mail. Well, I loved it except when Mom made my sister and I WALK to the mailbox--which was about a mile each way I think. (Farm life you know.) My sons whine and moan anytime I send them out to get mail--and the box is across the street!

The boys must be catching on that it does no good to whine and moan. I will still insist on chores being done. The one chore I am just not good at following up on is keeping their rooms clean. Mercy, their rooms are disgusting. Everyone says "Oh, that's just teenage boys." UGH. Spare me. There is no telling what is living up there. It is on my list now that school is back in session to clean their rooms top to bottom. I'm just having to get up my nerve to do it. And I know I will have to do both rooms in one day. Otherwise, the one who hasn't been hit will have warning and will probably try to bar his door from my access the next day. But soon, very soon, their due is coming.

I must go check email again. I just love opening Outlook Express and holding my breath until it says X number of new msgs. Fun, fun fun!! That alone is reason to have a diaryland diary--you get new mail when someone signs the guestbook or leaves a note! I feel so important. (sigh, it takes so little to keep me happy!)

Must get moving. Volunteering in the attendance office at the high school for the next two hours awaits. It's interesting how it is the same kids over and over and over that are out time and time again. Their files are inches thick. Others (like my sons who must be near death to stay home) have no excuse slips in their files at all--even at the end of the year.

I'm off.

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JournalCon 2003
